Wikiepdia year 2005 when we started that FECAS-ECSVS Forum

Past 9 year existance of our old forum, hosting, Management and events, high Corporate issues leading to its demise and rebuilding issues, many contributions to EU, Indian Ocean and World issues being synergized/impacted

Existence de 9 ans de notre ancien forum , l'hébergement , la gestion et des événements , des questions de sociétés de haute menant à sa disparition et les questions de reconstruction , de nombreuses contributions à l'UE , de l'océan Indien et les questions du monde d'être en synergie / impacté

Wikiepdia year 2005 when we started that FECAS-ECSVS Forum

Postby fecas-ecsvs » Fri Oct 10, 2014 8:25 pm

( Having addressed how unstable the platform is lost a thread and have to rewrite again. )

In 2005 when we decide to start that Forum, then world, Europe most important the then Social media available. Our community did not have TV, Radio or News paper. The project AKS and Seynews. com had not been started. We had been ask in 2005 if that was the best way we could set up that Forum given that most /majority of young using it they set it up differently.

We had wanted a method to communicate with the world and Institutions out there whilst we build that FECAS- ECSVS portal to keep an eye on things and share feedback.

We had visited Seychelles the previous year 2004 August the personalities we had talked with, shared views and the Opposition situation and business situation on the Island.

One of the most important events is the passing away/death of Pope John Paul ll our nation its belief and issues and the following years we started work on that portal project.

We are going to link the Wikipedia project for 2004 and 2005 with it to stress what we have trued to explain - we don not work random way and just flying ideas - we have methods and discipline hen we write and ask those to be mindful and be careful when dealing and handling our issues the fallout's and damages.

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