AIRBUS GROUP : Delta Airlines confirme la commande de 50 Air

One of our most important challenge as an ethnic Community in EU, then Europe for the past 70 years and recent events in Europe to explain, bring to the public and world attention what have affected us and made us the way we are.

AIRBUS GROUP : Delta Airlines confirme la commande de 50 Air

Postby Grandlarousse » Fri Nov 21, 2014 7:48 am

AIRBUS GROUP : Delta Airlines confirme la commande de 50 Airbus

20 novembre (Reuters) - La compagnie aérienne américaine Delta Airlines a annoncé jeudi la commande de 50 gros porteurs d'Airbus pour livraison à partir de 2017 et 2019.

La commande, d'une valeur de 14 milliards de dollars (11,2 milliards d'euros) sur la base des prix catalogues, est répartie à égalité entre le tout nouveau A350-900 et une nouvelle version de l'Airbus A330, l'A330-900, qui ne sera pas disponible avant 2019.

Ces avions plus efficients permettront des coûts réduits de 20% par siège par rapport aux Boeing 747 et 767 d'ancienne génération qu'ils sont appelés à remplacer, a noté Delta.

Les A350 seront livrés à partir du deuxième trimestre 2017.

Reuters avait rapporté mercredi qu'Airbus avait battu Boeing sur le fil pour cette commande, après qu'il était apparu que l'A330neo allait pouvoir être livré plus vite que le Boeing 787 Dreamliner. (Sai Sachin R à Bangalore et Alwyn Scott à Seattle, Véronique Tison pour le service français) ... 014813.php

Comment -Yesterday 20/11/14 among other places we visited the Campus for Law Studies in Rouen and talked with one of the male graduate on the quality of the teaching and results/finish product. That University specialize in Economic Management. Discussion the situation across France and EU Economy, the major malaise and failure of the EU collective leadership to learn, take due note and look where they are going very wrong. We had hinted that we work large issues in Europe and had also visited the Chamber of Commerce and politely told the officials we have been working the EADS/Airbus issues for many years others we mentioned this in Strasbourg.

The above contract/decision influenced by our high responsibilities - we looked at the streets of Rouen closely you get somebody to sell apples, bananas, and pears they get a Commission for every unit they sell or kilos. We have been involved in selling/making giant contracts for EADS/Air bus for the past 15 years and they run in USA/Euro billions and supporting the economy of France, Germany, Italy and Spain. Nobody say thank you and they are supposed to be highly trained to note any normal and abnormal issues in the workings of such sophisticated multinational. The same manner what could/could have gone wrong had we worked/represented and managed the issues negatively.

We trust those police authorities watching us will take due note and those politicians be they in Normandy or Paris or Bruxelles or Strasbourg and their respective media - It is not normal and cannot go on for ever then we get insulted by the locals an d very many we are fool, idiots and little what have you what are we doing in France ( beside the excessive dose/application of that Vache folle mechanism/phenomena)- the long list of insults. Yet those those portal we are supporting importantly the economic workings of France and it could go very wrong - all those in every sector of France industries who get paid for doing nothing.

Bottom line had we not been in France that decision and contract would not have gone through.
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