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The concept, lobbying. efforts to put together a reasonable important web presence for the Seychelles Community in and across the EU started in 1992 in Folkestone and Dover, Britain using the then available facilities, support from the Circle Francais. The leading members of the Seychelles exile/refugee community had returned to Seychelles with the Historic reintroduction of multi party 1991. Our Community had taken the decision restructure its network, management and future strategy for the whole of the EU community.We have been supported by our community in Australia, Canada, South Africa and USA. A number of important correspondence, contacts was made with the EU Commission and President Francois Mitterand’s government to facilitate this, application in writing was made to the Marie in Calais for our community to start a Center there. We also had the support of several EU voluntary agency. It must not be forgotten the very important contribution our community had made towards Tim Brenner Lee and the French person to write the browser for the WWW. We had also corresponded with member of our community executives, the various opposition faction in Seychelles and the Seychelles government Officials. We also requested assistance form the Irish Nation and their important Community in London. A great need exist to inform the world our community is Pan European not British dominated
Between the last part of the 1800 and the First world war 1914, unofficial record and issues we have been researching for the past 25 years of the existance of some kind of structured body, organization of French Colon - Pied Noirs in France, their link to French Monarchy movement, the French archaic, Fraternal Colonial establishment. Record state they, formed part of the same Fraternal establishment in Mauritius, Reunion other French Indian Ocean Colonies and the West Indies. They were made up of individuals, families that had left Seychelles who they were and represented in France mostly. It was based upon these foundation and ground work that we began 30 years ago from Austria to begin with rebuilding the the same structures, ideas and objectives. Like all great Historic buildings in Europe, those that have had great vision. In our case ravaged by events of history, the wars - our task of rebuilding. With the arrival of the WWW the enormous opportunity and possibilities to contribute to our rebuilding process. Our Community have taken and form part of the great challenge of Europe - EU the past 50 years, as EU becomes more mature our role, contributions in the future and where ever the vast many interest of EU will take us.
In spite of sharing many common and uncommon issues, the uprooting, exile, heritage, ancestral origin, their grave yards, French & other European, the UN politic as the Pied Noirs of North Africa, Central and West Africa suffered; the Seychelles community in EU is a unique situation, experiment and evolution of such people. Taking into account those that fled, left or migrated, an important percentage stayed or went back after exile to continue the family traditions, culture, heritage, way of life, religion and some business – which will be passed on. While the Pied Noirs of other former French colony or Belgium had different experience, except for a tiny percent, they were so to say completely uprooted from Africa. Another very important aspect – difference, is the Historic political change we were able to bring about together to Seychelles - Home. Of major importance in the difference is the role/way we were able to contribute to very many important issues of Africa – OAU from 1976 to date, the concepting of the African Union – the future of the Indian Ocean. Though we are part of the Francophone like the Pied Noirs of former North Africa, Seychelles strong link with the Organization of Arab League, until 1991 the strong Socialist values it represented, present state of things, the immediate Region of the Gulf States proximity, past history, together with those of the Pied Noirs in Seychelles very many contributions. Further North, the Asian sub continent Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Kashmir, then Sir Lanka, as decendent of Pied Noirs our combine input and contributions in very many important issues of that region.
For history purpose; we encountered two major oppositions, the complication/bog down over the Court Case regarding 87a Victoria Rd - Kilburn, Brent and opposition by several institution for us not to move our Community Affairs to continental EU. With the help, support and donation of families in France, Holland and Britain we managed to acquire a Minuette Caravan renamed “Princess Diana” and later a mobile home Emperor, ex personal of Nort West Holst Construction - SGE, France. We were based at Caple Court Country club, A club House belonging to courage Breweries - Scottish National, Caple le Fern. We approach the Channel Tunnel group, Heinz Plc, a number of German and Italian corporate to get some assistance - given the unique role our community had played towards change in the COMECON, the USSR, German reunification, our important Italian business network, our contribution in the Channel Tunnel project. Because we had no muscle, nobody to stand up for us. They just used us and then turned their backs to us. We equally contributed to the Asian and Indian Ocean nations to the setting up of the RIM association.
Another very ugly and grave situation develop, due to harassment, threat’s over our work was compelled to seek redress at Canterbury County Court. Shortly after the Emperor mobile office we had been working from was completely ransacked and the Minuette caravan stolen. Our Community effort to move to Belgium or France was set aback and all work on our community came to a stand still. We were compelled to return to London and start from scratch, November 1996.
The Seychelles Nation and their ancestors that founded their nation were decedent of the same people embraced the embryo of Christianity in Europe nearly 1900 years ago. They were Kings and Seigneur. They embraced other great events in Europe - France, the many wars among the kings, they are the decedents of those that founded the many Knight Templar institutions. They are the decedents of those that embraced religious changes in France - Europe, the Huguenot. They are the decendents of those that brought about the French Revolution and creation of other Arcahic/Frateranl institutions which came about. The Seychelles nation of 1991 are 80% Roman Catholic, we used certain great belief and values to bring about changes in EU, the world and Seychelles. For those who know those values, our Seychelles EU community Coat of Arm represent those those values - we undertook some monumental work before Pope John Paul ll came to Office and through his Office years. Our Coat of Arm is a testimony and witnessed to what took place, most important it is a witnessed between the mighty God of our ancestors, His Church, the Kings of Europe, the many nations and the Seychelles EU Community, their posterity.
The Seychelles Community in Britain had been at forefront which led to multi party return. Hence after the announcement most of the Leadership left Britain for Seychelles. They committed a gross error not leaving adequate management resource in Britain. The exile program titled SIROP, Alliance/DP/CDU/SNP/MPR collapse. Those of us left in Britain had to fight very hard, drumming support from all the voluntary networks. As a result several families had to return to Britain - they were difficult moment for our community. The many Embassy, media, migrant community could not comprehend the collapse of such an important program. The year was Spring 1997, we began encouraging, pressing our community to make greater us of personal computers or acquire one and develop communicating and IT network. We took up lobbying addressing our community’s situation to leading relevant institutions of the world. The world witnessed a historic most tragic event, the death of Princess Diana and Mr Al Fayad son who was acquainted with our community. The same year we laid the foundation, attempted seriously to have a web presence for our EU Community. Because we are not a registered charity none of the voluntary agency could assist us properly the gave us advice. We express our thank to a group of investors who started DATASYNC, Holloway Rd - London from where we made two attempts, their advice, guidance and support. We would like to note here the important opposition we encountered to have a web presence for our EU community, those playing politic with us - why they opposed it. We were offered a donation from the Prince of Wales Trust £1500.00 we refused to accept.
Very likely, another most significant development, contribution our EU community made through the work of our Seychelles EU Community Coat of Arm is/was which influenced President FA Rene to put in place the concept of Heraldry in the 3rd Republic, each District to have a Coat of Arms/Emblem. If this is not monumental in contribution to build Democracy on the line of our European ancestors, the word and meaning of Democracy ought to be redefined. There is a very great deal to be done in this field. Only those involved and the International institutions responsible for Heraldic issues can quantify the dimension of this contribution. For those who do not know we began to put together our Community coat of arm shortly after 1991 in Kent.
We decided to lobby NCVO and LVSU -Evelyn Old Field Unit for financial help from the Sainsbury Trust, we were not eligible. We pressed ahead with the work us our Community coat of arm and start a merchandising business, the important investment this represented. The complexity and the vast many who benefited in vast amount and proportions. Not just in EU through out the world - the issue of African Union .Our Community was please when SEYNEWS.COM appeared with its concept and service. Meanwhile in Seychelles Internet service made rapid progress and so to Mauritius.
In conjunction with SEYNEWS.COM our community in EU have played immense role in furthering Social, Economic and Democratic process in Seychelles. We also realized that EU and the world was not interested in us they wanted to use us, the advantages of our community. With the ensuing development of USA and its allies, War on Terror our work came to a stand still. It became more compelling for our community to have a web presence to explain to the the world who we are, where do we come from, what are our objectives and aim for our Seychelles EU community and homeland Seychelles. Relate to them our history and underline our rights. foremost there is a very important need for our EU Community to have a platform where individuals, groups, visitors, officials, education institutions, EU officials can access vital information about us. There was also the pressing needs to have one platform for our EU Community networks, governing mechanism etc. Normally for such an important project the EU and other appropriate government agency ought to have contributed - make a grant or donation. This has not been the case - yet the benefits to the EU itself, its economy, very many corporation has been significant. Equally so Seychelles, the Indian ocean region, African Union, the Arab region and other regional economy - governments, their nation and people. Particular the issue of African Union and the Palm Juhmeriah development $8billions. We made important representation world wide, they were ignored
.On behalf of our community we were advice to travel to the Indian Ocean - Seychelles to find a solution. We carried very extensive discussions with several leading law firms and other officials. They made certain undertakings, upon our return to Britain they went back on their words - the mega earthquake and Tsunami which devastated the Indian Ocean early January 2005 and the 600,000 lives who perished and $400 billion economic destruction
We are not in the business of slandering nation - What has taken place in Britain with regards to our community, individuals and community Leaders is unacceptable. For some 25 years we have been continueously oppressed and down trodden. We are constantly and daily harassed, the terrible racial persecution is unacceptable. We have experienced this from the populace, officials, police authority and politicians. Yet the number of legislation’s which exist to stop and curtail these situation are in plenty full.
We decided to seek support further afield and contacted the largest Mauritius - Australia portal and expose our issues. They suggested that we use a simple system and functionability, which we have done. We fought hard to acquire an appropriate softwear - with the help/support of philanthropic minded individuals we acquired the same software they had used from the Sainabury Group. For six months we have been building the platform and its basic working. We have been assisted by two private IT company beside DATASYNC, we have received reasonable support from our EU community leadership, the USA, France, Seychelles and African Union, equally some EU Institutions. We are reasonably please we have found a fairly good company to host our Portal too. We are a bit like an under budget Hotel project as and when we get some funds we build a bit - very sadly this is our situation. We trust that it will prove a very useful platform for our Seychelles EU community over the years to come and all those associated with us.
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An endangered community in EU
For the past 25 years we have been involved, devoted in research, study the comparison of endangered communities in EU or Balkan and former Soviet Union – their history, situation and existence. Some of the countries we have particularly paid greater attention – the many small religious groups be they of Christian or Orthodox or Muslim and other very old religion are former Yugoslavia, Turkey, Lebanon, Algeria, Scotland, France, Germany, Northern Italy, Switzerland, Scandinavia, several of the former COMECON countries. They have the advantage that a certain amount of documentation, studies have been made about them other wise their history, massacres, raping of their nation, destruction of their culture, religion, displace, invasion, plight would not have surfaced, thank to the help of modern communication technology.
Not having to cite the relevant EU laws, Human Rights legislations or UN and so call great efforts that legislation to apply fairly – there is a very great deal of injustice, oppression, abuses, persecution, discrimination, violence and marginalization-exclusion against them in one form or another often practice and perpetrated by the very institutions, authorities, officials there supposedly to give then a fair deal. Given the enormity of the problematic our statement has portrait the situation mildly.
The Seychelles community in EU beside its mostly French ancestral – origin, the British percentage have notably important historic, cultural, religious, language and archaic – fraternal high values as the nation of Reunion Island, the White and Creole Mauritian, a small minority from Commore and Madagascar of French decent now establish in EU for over 50 years or more. They too suffer the same plight, problematic – situation as our Community in EU. They have endevoured to integrate – whatever this means. For the past 30 years we have strived to make important effort to maintain this special relation and rapprochement with them. Of these communities we figure in the third place be they number, economic, social there being.
Given the important religious heritage of the Seychelles EU community, again without going into history's voluminous record. We can trace our religious origin back to our French ancestors in particular – the annal of French religious, Christian, fraternal – archaic history is very complex and among the richest in EU encompassing some 7000 years. Given the promise of their 2000 year Christian heritage – the promise that is attached. The Lord and mighty Creator promise – if we keep his laws and commands to defend us with his Host, throughout the Holy scripture the promise and assurance, questioning the wisdom and riches of King Salomon, the comparison of the Sparrow, the flowers to King Salomon wisdom and riches- his ultimate assurance however few in numbers or out numbered if we honour and keep the faith of our Ancestors and God – we will persevere and overcome our tribulation. In the face of the time we live, the unparallel distortion of life by the media , the many EU and world Institutions constraints and the social practice – we need to priorities our sense of values as an endangered and minority Community to survive and progress. There is a very great deal of work to be done to bring our issues and needs to the EU and world attention.
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The Seychelles EU Community is made up of the following:
1- White Migrants from Seychelles to Europe after the II world war for one reason or another.
2- Young Seychellois whose family could afford sending their children to be educate in Europe
3- British economic – employment assistance to the Colony young Seychellois joined the British Armed Force, nurses – hospital staff, hotel – catering industry. Also the Italian economic/employment program France never offered such program.
4- East African migrant after the independence of British colonies a large number who could not to Canada, Australia, South Africa migrated to Britain.
5- By far the largest exodus took place after 5th June 1977 event – introduction of one Party, military regime, Marxist politic and economy. With successive attempted coup d'etat s, confiscation of private property and plantations. They became known as the exile/refugee Seychellois. {They equally took exile in Canada, Australia, South Africa, USA, Mauritius. In the USA there had been a small community those consisted of USA service personnel marrying Seychelles female and their offspring's.}
6- Since the establishment of the SPPF government a large number of young Seychellois have left to study and many have not gone back.
7- After events of 1991 many had hoped for a deeper change this did not materialized, they migrated into economic exile. Since then there have been yearly a steady exodus.
The Seychelles population by international norms ought to have been in the region of 129, 000 the current population is about 90,000. In Britain there is the largest community some 7, 000 above then France, Italy and Germany. There could be about 15,000 – above Seychellois and their families in EU, including those married to nationals.
The community over the past 45 years have strived to put in place numerous organizations, body to cater for their needs, support the community, including government in Exile, a Conseil, a federation umbrella body to cater – providing relevant resource, network to the communities. The concept to have a EU community Portal is one of those resource.
Though the vast majority lost everything after events of 5th June 1977, including the East African migrants, the Seychellois have also strived to build private business across the EU. They are also involved in middle management of a national economy with the odd exceptions. Part of our function is to bring support to this sector of the community. There is much work to be done,
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Commandants and Governors of Seychelles
Above is a link of the history of the Commandants, Administrators and governors of Seychelles. What history does not tell - write about the leading planters, the expat community, businessman, police, lawyers, judges and other government officials that had been prepared to take a unilateral stand - independence from Britain. Their worry was, not getting adequate support from France in particular - had they been adequately supported by France Seychelles history would have been written differently, their hesitation. Very great miss judgment - took place at the Constitutional Conference. Hence when called upon to assist - contribute to finding a serious political solution for our nation 1985- the diplomatic, economic - strategic support we acquired from the many nations - the approach we used. We had warned of the miss judgment at the 1991/92 Constitutional conference in Seychelles. This situation is reflected in the calling of the 3rd Republic - today’s politic in Seychelles, the approach of the opposition parties. Equally the very difficult terrain, vast problematic we have encountered the past 15 years building long term structures, resources and network for our EU community, the approach. We strongly advice our communities in the many member state. Think very hard, there are vital lesson to be learnt from the painful lesson of the exile/refugee traumas. It could have been avoided - the pitfall that lie ahead for our Nation can be avoided too.
Vous pouvez arracher l'homme au pays, vous ne pourrez arracher le pays du coeur de l'homme.