We had indicated we would come back - below is a brief condensation of historical events and sequence. It is not the full version we intend to publish:
For those who really knew what took place the two leading Socialist leaders Dr Chancellor Bruno Kreisky and Primer Julio Androtti elected in 1976 not to exclude Dr Helmut Schmidt then Chancellor of West Germany. Particularly the Austrian role model and that underlined by Dr Bruno Kreisky to the Western Great Powers that with wisdom and appropriate diplomacy the Austrian had been able to make the Soviet Union leave Vienna/Austria with out a major conflict which was the case in Vienna after the ll world war partitioning.
Equally important, the small nucleus of European state, politicians who believed the EU had a future and its role – the above mentioned were feverent believers and those of us who led the change in Seychelles learned from them and believed in it. In comparison to Sir James Mancham who favored the USA and Britain so too the Leader of the Exile opposition Mr Gerrard Houreau. FA Rene who favored the Soviet Union and China and the former COMECON.
Those who had outlined, orchestrated, contribute to propell the Changes in Poland, the COMECON and possibly Seychelles and the Indian Ocean they used the Austrian - Dr Bruno Kreisky great world war ll experience with the Soviet Union to build upon.
The death of Pope Paul Vl who was frailed and ageing had been expected and foreseen. The then pressing argument to elect an Italian Pope in the person of Pope John Paul l, the power that had opposed/concern about his election. He reigned only 34 days died 28/09/1978, FA Rene Government had been in Office for one year - Sir James Mancham had been drumming military and financial support to oust him with whatever means. Certain important contacts had been established with Sir James Mancham exile Ministers and himself.
The embryo - project/concept to bring changes to the COMECON - possibly Seychelles, the Indian Ocean had started. The powers that came into play we will state it plainly not the CIA or Pentagon, there are those who argue it was the KGB - to convince the Cardinal to elect what had not been done for 450 years elect a Polish Bishop (the French, Italian powers, the Austrian importantly and the Germans with some impute from the West) then made Cardinal - Karol Wojtyla as Pope - who choose the name of Pope John Paul ll.
President Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev of Soviet Union was at the peak of his Office and political Statesmanship. Those who recall, knew Seychelles, the Indian Ocean, OAU - Africa and the Region will do well to remember this. The People Republic of China Power untouchable in Seychelles, the Indian Ocean, OAU - Africa> they guaranteed - secured most importantly the power of President FA Rene and others in the Region. They monitored very importantly the activities of Seychelles Exile for them self and Seychelles government.
Unlike Sir James Mancham and the Exile Leader approach Mr Gerrard Houreau former Seminarist to change Seychelles by force - Work had began seriously in Austria, Italy - the Vatican, France, Germany, Scandinavia to turn SPPF and FA Rene government into a more Socialist - instead Communist Party work of Socialist International.
Once again for those who really knew what took place, the relation of Dr Helmut Schmidt, Dr Bruno Kreisky and Dr Jiulio Andreotti 7 X Italian Premier - President Brezhnev. They had all seen/been convinced of the wisdom to elect Cardinal Karol Wojtyla as Pope John Paul ll
Beside the many international complex political developments, particular since Pope John Paul ll had taken Office, we do not have space to enlarge here - among events some three weeks earlier, incidents, reason, motivations which led to the strike in the Polish work led electrician Lech Walesa 31 August 1980.( At that state the CIA knowledge much to be desired)
In France 1979 Jacques Chirac was elected a Mayor of Paris and Valéry Giscard d'Estaing was the French President - certain aspect of our exile community role in the crowning ceremony of Emperor Jean Bedel Bokassa l ( they had supported the exile leader Mr Gerrard Houreau and Sir James with reasonable importance)
In 1981, the forces that be we will spell it bluntly the International Socialist Party with instrument form its Archaic institutions contributed to the French election, that of Socialist Candidate Francois Mitterrand. The Socialist International real battle/great Contribution to help change Poland, the COMECON, with the important help of the Holy Seat, the Indian Ocean, Seychelles and OAU - the respective role of USA, the United Nation
In 1982 October - Dr Helmut Koln was elected Chancellor - those that supported his election and why - the very complex reasons.
What must be noted here, to those who really know what happened - Britain had caused not just a great political vacuum, fiasco of both with events of Africa Independences and the African nation revenge on Britain for its past colonial atrocities. Though Margret Tacther was elected in 1979 most of the leading continental nations the Soviet Unions, Germany, France, Italy, Austria, Holland, Spain, Belgium including the COMECON treated and called her the poorest, very bankrupt and sick man of European countries, including the UN. Any myth of British impute in the event of Pope John Paul ll election or the 1980 strike in Poland is fairy tales. They were far to busy keeping their nations and economy together. Not until late 1983/84 this began to change.
With the coming into Office of President Francois Mitterrand and Chancellor Dr Koln, the gravity of the Cold War had been challenged, the danger of a global Nuclear war - minimized. The question what to do for those involved with the vast Nuclear weaponry - in place had been debated ideas from Dr Bruno Kreisky to use the vast resource and money to revive the COMECON other poor developing countries, Arab regions and Latin America.
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