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50,000 - 100,000 years ago

Ancient History - Belief - Religion


This is the most challenging part, prospect -rather aspect of our Seychelles EU Community Portal. In presenting to the world who we are, our need, the relevancy to look closely at our European ancestral religious practice and belief. We are thus compelled to go back in ancient civilization in Central Europe, Northern Europe Mediterranean region, Middle East and Asia to look at religious practice and belief.

We as a nation did not create the world, nor did our European ancestors of very ancient ages, their relation to the creative power and forces, divinity, life and death, day and night, light and darkness, cold and heat. Particularly the four season of the year, their relation to the sky, the stars, the moon and the sun.

Of equally greater importance his relation to the beast, the animals, birds, reptiles, creatures, insects and amphibians, the element of water and fire, above all the forest, the trees of all kinds and species, the plants, grass of all kinds, the fungi/mushrooms of all kinds because they were his very existence and being.

More challenging is the thought what did men look like in the age of the great monsters, the dinosaurs the origin of men. It is highly probable that human, being of another kind existed - they did not originate from planet earth - what was their reason for coming to planet earth and how they got here.

We are privileged that with today’s information age a very great deal of information which were not available say 15 years ago, safe for a selected group of few. We can today access greater and more detail information an ancient belief and practices. Whatever age in time be it 50,000 years ago and today or the future men have found it vital for his existence to understand, have a closer relation with those forces which influence his short passage in life on earth and his posterity. This is a fundamental concern of every human.

In the Time we live 2007 human would like us to believe those things, those powers and forces, those belief and fears are of no importance. Human have found a solution, the machines, the science, the education, the civilization , the institutions, the computers, the robot have replaced the creative forces and powers that be.

The native home of the Seychellois is to be found in the lost continent of Gondwanaland after the discovery, migration of their ancestors from Europe, what kind of civilization existed, religious belief. Millions of years ago

Cave men and Stone age, his belief

The Ice age, men his belief, practices

Bronze age and modern men. his belief

25,000 - 15, 000 years ago human and his belief

15,000 - 7,000 years ago human and his belief, our European ancestors the age of the sage, the wise, the Druids

7,000 BC - 1 AD human and his belief our European ancestors, the coming of Christianity


Religion, Christian the first 1000 AD years

1000 AD to 2007 and beyond our belief

Judaism 10,000 years BC, other Middle Eastern belief and Mohammedans - Muslims


1000 years ago the Holy Roman Church other belief, persecutions, revolutions, changes, the Crusade, birth of other Christian European religions, Huguenots, Protestants European politic and wars.

The Holy Roman Catholic church role in Colonial discovery and its establishment





History of Religion in Sechelles Seychelles

Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas in Julian Calendar

Orthodox archbishop pays visit to Seychelles


Our contribution to faith and belief the past 30 years

Had we listen to the relative we lived in Boarding whilst our parents were in Africa - we would have become a priest. We believe to be called to served the Lord one need a special calling.

In Seychelles over the past 70 years many of its son’s have taken this vocation and served in certain manner’s the Lord - in keeping with our ancestral French, European traditions. We have had Bishops, good priest, teachers. Particularly two of its son’s one became the president of the nation for 25 years and the other Leader of the Opposition in exile and lost his life.

For those from our families, close relative who think religion and Christianity was just invented they are politely requested to study the history of France, Europe and Britain the origin of our ancestors - particularly our woman folks.

Everybody is entitles to profess his belief and faith within whatever dimensions and boundaries the lord and the spirit guide him or her. Over the past 30 years we have made very many positive contribution in this direction in the world, Seychelles, Africa, Europe, USA, Latin America, the Arab world and Asia, USSR and the former COMECON. It just that we do not believe in the necessity of stating details and tell the world what we have done. That SIROP/CDU/Alliance/DP/SNP return program was massively powered by spiritual issues - Pope John Paul ll, we endeavored hard to underline to the world and Africa - the Replica of St Peter Basilica. In Seychelles the rebuilding of the leading churches and many new churches. Equally our support for belief in Arab world and Europe. The problem in the world is that people - if you are in Britain they expect you to worship as they do, likewise in France, Germany, the USA, Italy, Seychelles and Africa if you do not then you are not a Christian and have no faith. If you become to zealous then they label you as a fanatic. The world is moving into a dangerous era politicians dictate and direct spiritual ethic and religion, how one should believe, supported by leading international institutions. By their measures they decide to hate or love you.                                     2/06/07



About the Orthodox Community in Seychelles


SPACE.com       Int Space Station

druid oak tree logo Druidry_12_6.05.06
birth of templar

The Protestant, Church of England, such movement its role, importance, influence on Colonial discovery and its establishment

2000 AD and beyond, men belief, role of Church

Churches, belief and religious practices in Seychelles, the Indian Ocean past 250 years

Other Religion of the Region past 7000 years

Life of prophet Muhammad    21/01/08      Islam  A Catholic view of Islam               Mohammed and Mohammedanism (Islam)

SUBJECTS  25 years of religious dishonesty in Britain 21/01/08   TMA INTERNATIONAL TRUSTS GOES AFTER SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH      New Adventist Scam - BlackSDA           Worldslastchance.com

Communism belief past 95 -100 years in modern time; it had existed in Ancient Jewish belief social practice, the recent COMECON, Soviet Union, China, Latin America, Asia and Africa.


Churches, religious belief in EU - return to the land of our European Ancestors 75 years ago. Other forms of belief influences on politic, economy, social progress, science - world contribution and beyond.

Which of the Apostles  were married

How many of the apostles were married

It appears that most of Jesus Disciples were married



New Catholic Dictionary: diocese of Port Victoria, Seychelles


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